
Incoming Text Messages Show Wrong Time

  1. xAlbert

    Thread Starter

    everytime i go a text bulletin, the time displayed is alwayz 5 hours behind...

    lets say its 5 pm and i become a text message,
    the text will say 12pm.

    since its in a chat it displays in chronological order

    so the recieved text messages are alwayz bunched at the top and sent at the bottom.... i alive in Vancouver, and got an unlocked g1. anyhow to set this time problem?

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  2. seriously? equally much every bit I praise my android and I always will text messaging and flick messaging is my biggest disappointment! I was just talking to someone at work about it who likewise has a G1 and we were in total agreement. I remember this device was launched prematurely and alot of kinks weren't worked out, not complaining i'yard but sayin! I am true-blue we volition become hella updates on alot of these problems though. I dearest this site, I beloved everyone connecting and relating to the aforementioned issues. love it! I didn't find a large time departure in text messages sent now i'one thousand gonna cheque my device and see if i'yard having the aforementioned effect. I have to sadly acknowledge I got days before I check text messages. smh@me
  3. I am texting with people in my same time zone and have not had whatsoever trouble with the time stamps ...
  4. xAlbert

    Thread Starter

    im texting people in same time zone equally well.. but even so 5 hours behind :<..
  5. apaschea

    hi im having the same problem. The time is wrong and then all my messages are bunched upward at the top. its really annoying because i have no idea whats going on. I accept an unlocked g1 in toronto on the rogers network. I had the same problem with my iphone once and basically before in that location was an update, the set was to set your clock dorsum five hours. I tried information technology on the g1 and it worked. And so i guess im going to apply that until there is a permanent prepare.
  6. punkzanyj

    Really? From my experience, I consider the G1 the best sms/mms device I've ever owned.

    I'm curious, what's not working for you?

  7. Ari2004

    I'm from London and have the same problem, my G1 has been sent to T-Mobile engineers 3 times and they still can't seem to fix the problem. I'thousand not sure if it'south simply a bad handset.
  8. punkzanyj

    have any of you having this difficulty checked settings->date & fourth dimension to make sure the timezone is prepare correctly? I haven't ever had this issue, and I do NOT have the "automatic" setting box checked. Mayhap that will help?
  9. I plough my telephone off at least one time a day to reboot ... this updates the phone's fourth dimension to the Telephone Carrier'south network fourth dimension (if you select that pick)

    I had previously noticed over a week's time the phone clock would not keep good fourth dimension and I have seen it at least x minutes wearisome...

    But selecting the (network option) and ability off / om would update thye clock ...

  10. Dippy

    I also take this problem, had it for about two months at present, and only put up with it, I hard reset my phone and it still did nothing, information technology'southward really annoying and I haven't got a clue how to fix information technology, anyone got whatever ideas?

    (I live in London, United kingdom by the fashion)

  11. I accept no such problem...and I live in London besides...
  12. Dippy

    A few of my friends take the same phone, I think it's something to exercise with DLS because it was never disrepair earlier then? It's so frustrating, and i'thou stuck with this phone now. Have to utilise a buggy text program I downloaded from AM atm lol.
  13. DLS? o_O
  14. boyincity

    I just got my G1 dev phone today, and I was too experiencing this issue. After a bit of investigation, I've institute that the issue is a code problems where the fourth dimension zone modifier is is applied to the already modified fourth dimension postage when setting the time for incoming text messages. This might be specific to the firmware version i take. Correct now i'm running 1.0 (haven't checked what other versions are currently available, if any).

    You can see for example if you are in the -5 fourth dimension zone, and you get a message at 10:25am it will prove up as 5:25 am for example.

    So currently, a "fix" would be to turn off the network time setting, set up your time zone to the +0 (Western Europe/Casablanca) fourth dimension zone, and so correct your time manually. Your text messages will now brandish in the correct order with the correct fourth dimension.

  15. MrLuigi

    Settings do not work on retail Dream units. From the look of it I am getting my examination messages through the towers in Toronto instead of here in Vancouver. Hmm they improve fix it shortly.
  16. hmdsidd

    Boyincity's manner worked for me. thank you a lot, phew.
  17. titos1997

    Didn't seem to work for me
  18. titos1997

    Non to sound rude but what does this have to practice with the fourth dimension postage non being accurate in messaging
  19. Cozanostra

    If you accept selected 'automatic' under your date and time options, so any received texts will be tagged with the time zone of the carrier message center,eg for Rogers it would be ontario. has nothing to do with the phone itself. This wasn't an issue with other phones because they use the phone fourth dimension by default. To ready, only disable automatic time. And don't blame the device correct away. If y'all don't have the time to explore the capabilities of an android, then go yourself a blackberry
  20. cnruck

    I just downloaded 2.2 and now my incoming time postage is right. Before information technology was 5 hours earlier (alive on the westcoast), had to gyre up to view a received message.
  21. CYJAToronto

    Unfortunately, the 2.2 upgrade did not fix the -4 hours text-received time. Did you change other settings with the upgrade?
  22. TyLord

    I've got this trouble also. I just switched carriers. Presently every bit i popped the new sim card in information technology started happening. My carrier has no thought.
  23. TyLord

    The only fix i've plant so far is from a plan available on the market called: "SMS Fourth dimension Set"
  24. Etaneepitas28

    This worked for me, give thanks you
  • t-mobile g1

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